Are you still at college, at the end of a college year or just finished it? Are you a young entrepreneur or you have a business plan that you would like to improve? Excellent! Then we can help you develop your personal and professional skills to find/develop your dream job! Find out more, it's free!
One of the major priorities of our activity as an association is youth and their development at all levels, so we designed projects that will develop your skills at all levels and in the same time you will be financially settled! Sounds great, right?
The European Volunteer Service (EVS) is part of the Erasmus+ program that allows young people (from 17 to 30 years) to spend up to 12 months in a foreign country volunteering on projects dealing with various topics (arts, culture, youth, the media, environment, sport, anti-discrimination, rights, European Union, etc.). All of these different projects have in common a clear European dimension and an opportunity for intercultural learning. In EVS projects, all participants, volunteers and the local community benefit from meeting another culture.
By participating in volunteering activities, young volunteers have the opportunity to develop social skills and therefore contribute to their own educational and professional development. Their learning experience is formally recognized through the Youthpass document. The volunteer has secured accommodation, food, insurance, a monthly pocket and travel expenses.
We are among the leading organizations in the Republic of Croatia accredited to receive, send and coordinate volunteers through the European Volunteer Service. Within fourteen years of experience, more than 150 young enthusiasts from all over Europe spent between 2 and 24 months in our entrepreneurial incubator in the city of Vodnjan - Dignano.
If you want to get to know another culture by volunteering, develop your skills and meet the local community and other volunteers, let us know how we can help you and send you into new adventures.
Get professional practice or find a job across the EU!
We know that finding a job can be stressful. With Talented Europe, in addition to offering your CV and motivation letter to companies, you have a profile on the platform where your professors are able to evaluate you and write comments about your skills. This way, you offer companies around Europe extra value information about yourself so that YOU are the one they choose.
Thousands of companies have a direct insight into your contact information and the better the evaluation you have, the more chances you get the job you want. Read more about the project here.
Collect experience and knowledge and realize your business plan or improve your existing business!
We also give you the opportunity to travel with your business plan or recently opened company for a few months to the employer of your choice based in the European Union.
Based on their way of doing business, position on the market but also on their mistakes you will learn to apply knowledge to your business. The best thing is you will be financially settled to live and travel during your exchange.
What are the benefits?

- You will get new insights into european market and different ways of doing business

- You will develop business skills

- You will meet succesfull business people

- You will get potential possibilities for collaboration with business partners abroad

- You will get financial support to stay abroad

- Razvit ćeš inozemne poslovne kontakte
Realize professional practice at the Informo (Vodnjan) association and the European Projects Association (Brussels)!
"Professional Improvement Program" is EPA's 3 to 12 months program that offers to young people from all over the world a chance to collaborate with professionals on the consulting and informing field, and gathers a practice in developing and implementation of EU projects. Till September 2018, young people used this opportunity, mostly from Europe, Africa and South America, working on activities of developing projects founded by European Union, rising public knowledge about public awareness of the possibilities for development, etc.
Prijave su otvorene tijekom cijele godine. Stažiranje prosječno traje šest mjeseci, a područja stažiranja su:
Razvoj projekata
Uvjeti za sudjelovanje u programu su da si stariji od 18 godina, minimalno prva godina fakulteta i da posjeduješ znanje engleskog jezika.
Educiraj se dodatno!
Ako se želiš educirati u području EU projekata i to od odabranih profesionalaca s bogatim iskustvom u praksi, tada si na pravom mjestu! European Academy for Education and Social Research (dalje u tekstu: Akademija) osnovana je 2010. godine u Dublinu (Irska) i organizira edukacije za što učinkovitiji razvoj EU projekata. Akademija u suradnji s udrugom INFORMO i European Projects Association – EPA vodi Akcelerator europskih projekata.
Svaki mjesec poklanjamo mali broj popusta na edukacije, stoga budi u pripravnosti i prati naše objave!
Edukacije koje nudi Akademija su: