Formación en gestión de fondos UE para la inclusión laboral

“European Projects Association (EPA), in collaboration with European Academy for Education and Social Research and with the technical support of the Association Informo – experts team presents ....

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European Projects Association (EPA), in collaboration with European Academy for Education and Social Research, presents “Formación en gestión de fondos UE para la inclusión lavoral": it is a project financed by Ministry of Employment and Social Security of Spain, under the Youth Program.

The aim of this Programme is to promote social integration and employment of young Spanish people (under 35 years) who live abroad, through specific actions that allow them to continue their training.

The main goal is their incorporation into the labour market of the country of residence, or the exploitation of their experience upon their return to Spain.



The project “Formación en gestión de fondos UE para la inclusión lavoral"; offers participants a thorough knowledge of European funding area, which can offer many possibilities, but is unknown to the majority of people.

According to a study, in 2007-2013 period, Spain failed to absorb € 9 billion of the possible European funding, when many companies, institutions and citizens could have benefited from it.

However, to receive these grants, qualified staff is required, able to manage and apply to different EU calls.

Through ‘info-days’, sessions dedicated to European programs and projects divided into different thematic blocks, participants will obtain a general knowledge of the subject. The ultimate goal is that participants increase their skills towards obtaining and management of European funds.

To do that, they are advised to follow the ‘’learning by doing’’ method, focusing on practical and real case studies.

Moreover, further training visits at the ‘’European Projects Accelerator’’ are planned, with the opportunity to participate in the ongoing project development and through a direct contact with the experts.

Participants also have access to the Accelerator Programs’ material.

It should also be noted that, from the beginning of the programme, beneficiaries are assisted by a mentor whose support is available even after the completion of the programme.



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