EUROPEAN PROJECTS AWARDS – ONGOING PROJECTS COMPETITION is created to choose projects in the implementation phase that have the biggest impact on local/regional social, economic, environmental, technological or cultural policies.

The European Projects Awards is EPA’s way to reward the initiatives undertaken by individuals, private and public organizations which will serve as an encouraging example and innovative potential for the development of the European Union at every level. One of its objectives is to foster the development of even better projects by linking the partners, facilitating a long-term communication and improving the skills of the participants implementing a learning by doing methodology.

Through the awarding system, EPA will encourage its members to continue their practice of writing and implementing projects as an important instrument of development, gaining visibility in the project management community and finding partners in their area of interest for the future cooperation on European projects.

3 simple steps to submit your project:

  1. 1.Go to platform, login or register.
  2. 2.Click “Promote” on the upper menu bar and choose “Projects”.
  3. 3.Fill in the application form with your idea details and press “Create project” button.

    …or click HERE to submit your project.

A jury of experts carefully evaluates the projects submitted and chooses a particularly challenging, interesting one. The projects may be nominated as public so that the community can interact with the proponent, or set as private so that it’s only visible to the jury.


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